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Ephesians is a veritable compendium of Paul’s theology, and among his most influential epistles. In it we learn of the reconciliation of the cosmos and our eternal election in Christ, as well as salvation by grace through faith apart from works, the mystery of salvation for the Gentiles, the divine gift of the holy ministry, the church as Christ’s bride and body, the Christological meaning of...

A You Gentiles were dead in sins, walking according to the age of this world, B following the evil spirit who is at work in the disobedient sons, C among whom also we [Jews] were, following the passions of the flesh and thoughts; D thus, we [Jews], too, by nature deserved God’s wrath like the rest of mankind; E but God, rich in mercy, because of his great love with which he loved us, [A] even us, who were dead in sins,69 F [God] made alive together with Christ, G —by grace you have been saved!— F
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